Grab life by the scruff and shake it til it squeeks!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ferret excavations, part 2...

Ferrets 2, Chris 0...

Yes, they did it again, while I was in the garden harvesting lettuce for lunch. I forgot to take pictures last time, but this time I had the camera in my pocket. This is how they think the kitchen should be redecorated.

Pan inspects the redecoration committee's efforts.

I think this might work for winter, what with the "snowy" look. But maybe they were trying for "Christmas in July"? Either way, I'm not eager to clean it up until I have assurances from the husband that ferret-proofing has been accomplished.

Festive drifts create the illusion of winter in the summer time.

Or maybe we should just store the corn meal in a different type of container. Sigh. Ferrets -- you can't keep them out of trouble, but maybe you can put the trouble out of reach...

1 comment:

  1. ROTFLMAO - obviously those containers are ferret-friendly!
