Grab life by the scruff and shake it til it squeeks!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ferret mobility issues -- bathtub

Do your ferrets ever get stuck in the bathtub? Sometimes my old ferrets would be able to crawl into the tub, but not get back out. So we brainstormed the problem, and came up with a solution that is kind of like a wheelchair ramp. Notice that the board has some ridges cut into it, to provide better traction. Without traction, it was a bit too steep for the less-agile ferrets to use.
Genghis uses the ramp and stool arrangement to enter the tub

Now they love to climb in and spill the water that I leave in there for them. They're happy because they get to spill things, one of a ferret's favorite pastimes. I'm happy because they're spilling it in a bathtub with a drain, so I don't have to clean up the mess.

Attilla runs up while Genghis spills some water.
When it's time to use the tub, I just remove the board.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Weazel ferrets outdoor adventures on the deck

I let the ferrets out on our back deck sometimes. They think it's totally a big adventure to be outside, and happily go ferreting around all the junk we store out there, stuff for the grill, and the garden, and the yard, and so forth. Here's Genghis, getting some sunlight on his fur.

There's so much for them to poke their noses into, and interesting stuff to burrow through, things to climb and other stuff to knock over. It's all part of the excitement, to a ferret.

Of course, once in awhile someone decides that's not enough and makes a break for it... tries to crawl down the steps, or even bail off over the side and land in the ferns.

They can disappear quickly into any underbrush, so be watchful if your ferrets go outside. The best way to catch a loose ferret is to drop a jacket or other article of clothing on the ground. Or even a shopping bag. They can't seem to resist the urge to crawl right in and make themselves comfortable.